Backstory Addiction

Nothing is more detrimental to a writer than Backstory Addiction. Dr. Wright knows you need to tell your reader how your protagonist got his brain tumor and how that tumor has made him ambidextrous, but you must learn the Art of Eking®.
"Backstory must eke out between the lines of your action; it must slither and sneak, it must be like silent flatulence in a crowded room," says Dr. Wright.
Dr. Wright will help you learn the Art of Eking® so that your readers aren't bored out of their skulls from the first lines, and so your story isn't bogged down by your protagonist's happier days, when he was merely right-handed as he climbed the sycamore trees in his yard as a boy.
This addiction affects mainly new writers, but many seasoned ones as well. Additionally, Dr. Wright will help you avoid the pesky trap of getting backstory in through lengthy conversations between your protagonist and his childhood friends, siblings, and parents, or through journal entries and reading old letters. He will help you avoid the many traps (and tropes) that lead to dull beginnings, sagging middles, and contrived interactions between characters.
Call Dr. Wright for relief today!