Release dates and various other goings on.
New publications from 2018:
Mad in America:
"Medical Malignment:
the Pogrom of People in Pain."
This new article on the horrors of the drug-side-effect, akathisia, and what's happening behind-the scenes in your medical charts. A must-read if you've ever felt your healthcare providers don't "hear" you.

March, 2017:
My first public appearance since 2014. The memorial of Kurt Cochran, who died in London in the March 22, 2017 terror attack.
Video of my poem being read on the very bridge Kurt was killed, below. Read by Margaret Zeemer.

December, 2014:
The category for "Best Local Artist" was comprised of all artistic media, not just the literary arts: visual, musical, film, and theater. It was a huge honor and a memorable night.
The Waiters, was nominated for "Best Event" of 2014." While it didn't win, it was still an honor to have it considered.
Thank you all who support local arts and artists. Biiiig loves.

Feb. 2014:
Performing at a local open mic for a bunch of college students there for NULC. I told them to put on their big boy-and-girl pants. I use rude words.

August, 2014:
Ogden Underground Poets
Performing at Only in Ogden

July 2006:
Book signing at Barnes and Noble
SLC, Utah.

Feb. 2006: Reading, signing at another awesome SLC local
bookstore who supports local authors, Golden Braid Books.

Fun fact: the far right pic, the man in the middle? Very first time I met him. It was February, 2007, and he'd driven through a blizzard to meet me in person. We'd been exchanging witty banter over my blog since mid-2006. I had no idea he'd be a handsome, sexy, writer/attorney: he'd used a moniker and no photo for his blog.
Eventually, he became the man to whom, on August 2, 2008, I'd said ,"I'm Yours," in front of the officiator and family at the U of U Museum of Modern Art, where we bound our lives together in matrimony, writing, loving, reading, perfect, imperfect dissonant harmony.
Anyone else have a photo of their very first meeting of their first real, true love? Didn't think so. HAH.
2006 Central Book Exchange

I was a new, baby author, and it was my first published book. The book signing was at Central Book Exchange, a new and used bookstore in Sugarhouse. They were so supportive, and threw me a huge gala (meaning 20+ people were there and I sold about 20 copies...) but bless their little supportive hearts, they were great.
The book shall not be named, because it indeed does sucketh. HOWEVER, another local author who didn't like me much, she read that first book of mine. Published by a start-up indie publisher back east, they didn't even have a professional editor on staff, so they did their best, then sent it to ME to edit. My own book. I wasn't an editor, either--at least I wasn't like I am now--so the book...well, let's just say...mistakes were made. Lots. Well, this local author, with all her BA-MFA learnin', she tore it to shreds on her blog. Pulling out huge chunks from the text and pointing out every error, every grammatical "oops" I committed, while telling everyone what a lousy writer I was.
Well, sure it stung. But damn, it was a great lesson in toughening my hide. But also? It was a really awesome edit. She actually moonlights as a professional editor now, too, and so she probably charges quite a bit for that kind of feedback. But she was gracious enough to do it for me for free--not only free--she paid ME for the opportunity, since she had to buy the book, take the time to read it, and the time to rip it to shreds, then BLOG about it. In the end? It was a great lesson.
So...I'd like to say to her, if she ever reads this: Thank you, K. I hope you're a little more gentle on the people who hire you, but otherwise, it was a spot-on critique, and you helped make me a better writer. I appreciate your time and considerable effort. No hard feelings, and may the road rise. May the past stay there, may your present be filled with peace, may your future bring you all your hopes and desires. Be well, and so on.
Sincerely, and with personal hatchet firmly buried,
TLWW (doesn't and never did)HM (your)G

The logical flaw here, John, is that a lot of people ADORN their shelves with books, but do not READ them. There is also the matter and issue of quality.
They may have a shit-ton of books, but if I see "Brown," "Patterson," "Steele," "Chopra," and/or "50 Shades" of anything, or sparkly vampires, yeah, they won't get laid that night.
*There are exceptions to every rule, however.

I like this photo because, you know, I like to get down 'n' dirty when I write. In evening gowns. With chewed up pencils I never use.

Same as above. Only I write on dirty floors on a laptop because that's just how I roll...not. At. All.

Photo by me (J.A. Carter-Winward Photography.) The wine wasn't as good as the cork and bottle.