Short story collections, plays, and publications
Read book information and excerpts from Bus HERE.

Read book information and excerpts from Shorts HERE.

The Waiters
The Waiters is a play that explores what happens when three couples attempt to take love off-line. Carter-Winward's play delves into technology's impact on our notions of romance and fidelity, across generations and across technological platforms. This short, three-act play tells three different stories with one common theme: how do we connect?
In Little Black Facebook, a young woman tries to connect with her boyfriend, but between texts, social media and conflicting expectations, they talk past each other while their phones take center stage.
A shy widower meets a free-spirited woman face-to-face in Mis-matched.com, and they get to see, up close and personal, how anything can look perfect on paper.
Hot Talk explores a question that has divided men and women throughout time: what constitutes infidelity? A married couple use food to convey their feelings as a husband stings from a one-time dalliance, while a wife is bruised from his many on-line "relationships."
Set in three different restaurants with the waiter as alternately the purveyor of wisdom, the naive bumbling fool, the jokester with terrible timing, and ultimately, the omniscient voice that ties everything together, The Waiters is poignant, funny, insightful and extremely relevant in today's world. Whether you are tech-savvy or not, The Waiters explores the difficult terrain of relationships, trust, love and how the age of technology age has irrevocably changed all three, forever.
Buy it according to your preference: Droid or Apple edition.
*Print copy does not reflect the script for on-stage performance. See below for stage script, and production information.
Contact Binary Press for production rights.
Please include in your inquiry the following:
Producing organization
Place of performance (City, State & Theatre)
Seating capacity
Ticket prices
Nonprofit or for-profit group
Number of performances
Performance dates
Excerpt from The Waiters:
Ehem, I...see. So, you work at an art gallery? That must be nice.
It's very exciting. I remember reading that you were into art--I remembered we had that in common! Let me guess...you like post-modern impressionism.
I actually, uh, I paint. I like creating it more than looking at it, really.
Oh, so you're an ar-teest! How wonderful! Let me guess: you do...mixed media with metal, clay and newspaper! Am I close?
I, uh...well I paint in oils. I've been working on trees recently.
(CAM approaches with a wine list)
Here you are ma'am--
You don't need to call me that. Really.
Sorry, ma'am.
Never mind.
(She opens the menu, points to something and hands it back to CAM)
We'll take the Oltrepo Parvese Bonarda, please.
That's a red one, right?
Yes, that's a red one.
Yes ma'am.
Sounds exotic.
Oh, it was one of our special wines we had, Bertrando and I. He was just so Milanese, had to have his bold reds. You know how they are.
I don't, really. No. So, uh, your profile said you loved nature. What do you like to do?
I love dancing naked around a bonfire in the mountains! I love to ski--I tried snowboarding last year, can you believe it? This year I want to hang glide. Or parasail. How about you?
I love walking nature trails. It's where I get my ideas--I take photos of especially peaceful scenes, and try to paint them. I have this great walking stick my grandson made for me in Scouts--
You have a walking stick? Whatever for?

We Will Be Shelter
Edited by Andrea Gibson
Write Bloody Publications, 2014, Carter-Winward's poem, “Grace,” was included in this unique poetry anthology. From Amazon:
"We Will be Shelter, edited by poet and activist Andrea Gibson, is an anthology of contemporary poems that addresses issues of social justice. Unique to this anthology is its focus on creating positive social change through gorgeous, gusty[sic] poetry. Alongside and embedded in featured poems are concrete ways to address social and political issues raised. The goal of We Will be Shelter is to raise awareness, encourage critical self-reflection, and call readers to action."
Ms. Gibson called "Grace," which addresses aging in our youth and beauty-obsessed culture, "beautiful" and "essential." Subsequent to the book’s release, Ms. Gibson was invited to the White House to meet Michelle Obama, where she presented the former First Lady with a copy of the anthology.
Horror, Sleaze and Trash Quarterly
Warning: Adult Content

So this pretty much sums it up, but don't let them fool you. There are some incredibly good word-stuffs in these pages. My poems, "Porn Star," "Natural Enemy," and "Holy," being some of them. But watch for others.
From Goodreads:
"horror, adj: inspiring or creating loathing, aversion, etc.
sleaze, adj: contemptibly low, mean, or disreputable
trash, n: literary or artistic material of poor or inferior quality
Welcome to HST Quarterly, the curated collection from Horror, Sleaze and Trash."