a Big Thing
"My Oeuvre©" photo by J.A. Carter-Winward See Full poem HERE. #Writing #craftofwriting #novels #writingnovels #JACarterWinward #poetry...

Road Trip: an Ode to Utah
#jacarterwinward #JACarterWinward #Utah #PioneerDay #24thofJulyUtah #MormonPioneers #OdetoUtah #Performancepoetry #UtahPoets #poetry...

Train Wreck: How Mental Health Care Got Derailed
Image courtesy of Fiddaman Blog J.A. BLOG POST Bob Fiddaman is an author, blogger, and researcher living in the UK. His book, The...

Read poem here #poetry #jacarterwinward #religion
and god said...
Find the poem HERE. #poetry #poets #writing #writers #art #JACarterWinward