the meek who must speak
Read full poem HERE #JACarterWinwardpoetry #Utahpoets #writers #Performancepoetry #politicalpoetry #politics #humanity #humanism #Truth...

Read full poem HERE. Photo collage by J.A. Carter-Winward #jacarterwinwardpoet #religion #patriarchy #MormonChurch #ChristianityandWomen...

A Pair of Doxes, Doxing
"Father and Son," J.A. Carter Photography Read full poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #Performancepoetry #LifeLessons #compassion...

Road Trip: an Ode to Utah
#jacarterwinward #JACarterWinward #Utah #PioneerDay #24thofJulyUtah #MormonPioneers #OdetoUtah #Performancepoetry #UtahPoets #poetry...

How Bad Can Good Be?
Capture courtesy of Highway 89 Media, from the YouTube film, "How Bad Can Good Be?" For poem text, click HERE. #jacarterwinwardakathisia...