Vita Brevis--"Writing Wrongs"
New poem, published in literary magazine, Vita Brevis. Read the publication (and my poem , "Writing Wrongs,") HERE....

Shaking without Purpose
Read full poem HERE #PoetsUnlimited #AuthorJACarterWinward #PoetJACarterWinward #jacarterwinwardpoet #Utahpoets #Akathisia #DIMD...

Read full poem HERE. #PoetsUnlimited #AuthorJACarterWinward #MediumPoetsUnlimited #Utahpoets #relationships #love #marriage #LostLove...

The River of Goings
--for Charles B. Read full poem HERE #JACarterWinward #UtahPoets #PersonalGrowth #LifeLessons #PoetJACarterWinward #InspirationalPoetry...

Destination: the Unwanted Child
Read full poem HERE. #AuthorJACarterWinward #sociopolitical #politicalpoetry #PuertoRico #Utahpoets #sexualassault #puertorico #sanjuan...

Perspective: Career Day
Read full poem HERE. #AuthorJACarterWinward #WritingLife #writers #MediumPoetsUnlimited #UtahPoets #poetsUnlimited #changetheworld

Appropriate Dressing for Mother of the Brides
Read full poem HERE. #AuthorJACarterWinward #jacarterwinwardpoet #MediumPoetsUnlimited #poetsUnlimited #Utahpoets #marriage...

the meek who must speak
Read full poem HERE #JACarterWinwardpoetry #Utahpoets #writers #Performancepoetry #politicalpoetry #politics #humanity #humanism #Truth...

This News Year
Read full poem HERE (and you can listen to me reading it using the cloud link at the bottom of the page. Or just listen to it HERE....

A Pair of Doxes, Doxing
"Father and Son," J.A. Carter Photography Read full poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #Performancepoetry #LifeLessons #compassion...