a Big Thing
"My Oeuvre©" photo by J.A. Carter-Winward See Full poem HERE. #Writing #craftofwriting #novels #writingnovels #JACarterWinward #poetry...

Who Do I Think I Am?
I met a thoughtful young man at our poetry group. He is a college student, and he is a writer. Or an aspiring writer. He writes poetry,...

To Be Human
Over the past year, I've been asked to be the keynote speaker, a speaker, or a guest lecturer at various venues including the local...

Finishing a book is like a bittersweet parting from an old, dear friend—a friend with whom you have a passionate, yet tumultuous,...

A lot has been written about “it”. And a lot has been written about writing about “it”. Many people can’t understand sexuality in...

What Do I Want.
“I don’t wish to touch hearts, I don’t even want to affect minds very much. What I really want to produce is that little sob in the spine...