Read full poem HERE. #PoetsUnlimited #AuthorJACarterWinward #MediumPoetsUnlimited #Utahpoets #relationships #love #marriage #LostLove...

Appropriate Dressing for Mother of the Brides
Read full poem HERE. #AuthorJACarterWinward #jacarterwinwardpoet #MediumPoetsUnlimited #poetsUnlimited #Utahpoets #marriage...

autumn nuptials
Read poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #poetry #Utahpoets #marriage #fall

In Sickness, In Health: Poetry, Prose, and Song of a Marriage
When we say those vows, we only imagine health. Sickness is a faraway mind-photo; an idea. Long into the future, where, white-haired and...