Vita Brevis--"Writing Wrongs"
New poem, published in literary magazine, Vita Brevis. Read the publication (and my poem , "Writing Wrongs,") HERE....

Perspective: Career Day
Read full poem HERE. #AuthorJACarterWinward #WritingLife #writers #MediumPoetsUnlimited #UtahPoets #poetsUnlimited #changetheworld

the meek who must speak
Read full poem HERE #JACarterWinwardpoetry #Utahpoets #writers #Performancepoetry #politicalpoetry #politics #humanity #humanism #Truth...

Just One
--an ode to the Writers who have Changed the World with Words. Read Full poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #writers #Writing #society...
and god said...
Find the poem HERE. #poetry #poets #writing #writers #art #JACarterWinward

Writers, Self-Indulgence, and You (and Me)
Don't worry, if you're not a writer, this will be interesting, even if it isn't about you. And does it always have to be about you? I...

Sex Workers: A Close Encounter
My dad used to always say, "nothing is free." Actually, your dad probably said that, too. I think it's in a "How to Convey Banal...

Who Do I Think I Am?
I met a thoughtful young man at our poetry group. He is a college student, and he is a writer. Or an aspiring writer. He writes poetry,...