This News Year
Read full poem HERE (and you can listen to me reading it using the cloud link at the bottom of the page. Or just listen to it HERE....

hallowed days
Painting by J.A. Carter-Winward A recycled piece from last year. Find full poem HERE. #holidays #family #aging #Life #circleoflife...

A Pair of Doxes, Doxing
"Father and Son," J.A. Carter Photography Read full poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #Performancepoetry #LifeLessons #compassion...

Read Full Poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #UtahPoets #politicalpoetry #Creativity #Writing #WritingLife

Book Review
Read full review HERE. #bookreview #utahpoets #JesseParent #TheNoiseThatIsNotYou #slampoets

the Place where it happens, and w,o
#MeToo #humanity #sexualassault #rape #poetry #UtahPoets #JACarterWinward

Audible Fans! Vote!
Help spread the word why YOU love Audible audio books--if you don't? Vote and share anyway, yeah? #Audible #Audible20Yearanniversary...

Just One
--an ode to the Writers who have Changed the World with Words. Read Full poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #writers #Writing #society...

autumn nuptials
Read poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #poetry #Utahpoets #marriage #fall

Body of Water
Read Poem HERE. #BodyImage #cultureofthin #selflove #poetry #women #socialstandards #beautystandards #weight #JACarterWinward...