Editing Paralysis

Or, Red Pen Revulsion (RPR®) affects almost every working writer. The edits come back, and you can't open the document for days, weeks…you can't open that binder, that box. Dr. Wright understands.
"Nothing is harder than seeing you are not perfect in bright, red ink," says Dr. Wright. "But editors are our friends."
Dr. Wright will be there for you when you see that first slash of red, dripping like blood down your precious child's throat.
He will help you clean up all of that red, and help you see that the scars on your manuscript left by the red pen are stronger and more concise than the original in its impure form.
"Unlike scars on skin, which mar us, scars on a manuscript disappear and leave the skin of your story fresh, new, and more touchable."—Dr. Julian Wright