Elevator Pitches

Writers, what's the first question everyone asks you when you tell them you're writing a book? No, not, "For God in heaven's sake why?" The other question: "What is your book about?" Many writers fall into the trap of over-sharing.
Dr. Wright understands your need to start shamelessly promoting your book to people even before it's completed, but most people will cough and excuse themselves after ten minutes of your fascinating synopsis of your genius project. This isn't your fault. People have short attention spans. Hence, the Elevator Pitch. (We're talking a newer building here, not the older buildings you'll find south of 59th.)
Dr. Wright will help you pare down your lengthy synopsis into something that can be delivered on a moment's notice at parties, writing conferences, and yes, even on elevators if you happen to finagle getting into one with a literary agent you may or may not have been following for weeks in order to learn his or her habits and where he or she goes to lunch.
"I can help you with Elevator Pitches, and you'll be a pro before you know." (Sample Elevator Pitch)—Dr. Julian Wright