"Plaintiff’s Exhibit 347: Each picture depicts a real person who completed suicide while taking Paxil in a GSK-clinical trial. The red “Vs” mean their specific suicides were violent in nature. There were multiple suicides using firearms, including a murder-suicide by one patient. There were also two deaths from people jumping in front of trains.
When it comes to suicide attempts, GSK did not keep track of all the attempted suicides in their clinical trials because, according to their company witness, it would be too burdensome." --Bob Fiddaman, author, researcher. Photo is the actual exhibit shown to the jury w/r/t the Paxil clinical trial, and I took it from Mr. Fiddaman's Facebook page.
The cause of death was not "Paxil," but the condition Paxil causes: akathisia. Paxil and dozens of other SSRIs, SSNIs, neuroleptics and AAPs.