Full-Service Interventions

Full Service Intervention: When you tell your family you're quitting your job and writing full-time.
Dr. Wright has extensive experience in family interventions to help the artist-writer tell his family he needs to pursue his dream. Understandably, this may come as a shock to the family, particularly to the partner of the writer.
Some of the time, the writer is a source of supplementary income for the family. More often, the writer earns the majority of the income or is the sole source of income to the family. Dr. Wright offers full, on-site support to all family members and helps the artist-writer transition his family through this sometimes unsettling upheaval.
Client Support:
--Dr. Wright puts the client through a rigorous self-analysis process to determine if the client is indeed driven to write full time, or they're just plain sick of being a CPA, etc.
--Dr. Wright analyzes and assesses the client's actual writing skills to determine if he's full-time-writer material, or just wasting his time on a pipe dream.
--Dr. Wright prepares the patient for the inevitable confusion, disbelief, rage, threats of divorce, disillusionment, negativity,(and so on) that he may face upon disclosing his decision to his family.
Spousal Support:
--Dr. Wright aids his client in articulating why he must write full time, and what it will mean for the family outide of possibly starving and/or food stamps.
--Dr. Wright has many resources for securing brokers and real estate professionals who can help the family downsize.
--Dr. Wright has referrals to financial advisors who can help the family determine whether or not to cash out the 401k, how to live on a very limited budget and other guidance.
--Dr. Wright links non-writing spouses to head hunters, employment placement programs, and temp agencies in the area to facilitate employment for the displaced spouse.
And much more. Call Dr. Wright today for more information on Interventions.

Relocation and downsizing help