Fine, hand-crafted leather $29.95+ tax

Sturdy and durable from recycled materials $12.95 + tax
Memoir Consulting
Should you or shouldn't you? The answer will come to you after thoughtful guidance from Dr. Wright.
Did you survive a harrowing journey in the desert/wilderness? Heard it.
Have you overcome a horrible addiction to drugs? Yeah, we know.
Were you in a horrible accident and disabled, or born with a horrible disability and then triumphed? M'kay, read that one, too.
Did your ex-wife/ex-husband try to kill you or are you a domestic violence survivor (spousal or as a child)? *yawn*
The truth is, unless you're famous, people don't care about you or your life. You think you're the only recovering meth-head who blew people in alleys for drug money? Think again.
Dr. Wright will help steer you in the right direction if you feel your life is so interesting, you simply need to write a book on it.
(Dr. Wright offers personalized leather-bound journals for only $29.95 + tax, and soft-cover journals for $12.95+ tax)