MFA Countermeasures

Do you have an MFA? More than one? Did your college professors and other MFA students characterize your writing as "elegant" or "transcendent"? Do you, as a matter of course, use the words "alight," "lambent," "effluvia," or "obfuscate"? Finally, are you wondering why only those mired in academia can read or understand your writing? If this describes you, then Dr. Wright can help.
Many English and Writing majors feel they need to take that extra step and earn their MFAs, which is all well and grand if teaching is the main objective. However, if the goal is to be a writer outside of the world of academia, MFACM® may be your only hope.
Dr. Wright uses various techniques and exercises to help the MFA unlearn what he or she learned during his or her stint in the hallowed halls of the ivory-towered, ivy-covered buildings and campuses across the country. His simple deprogramming "teachniques" will get those pesky professors and obscure literary voices out of your head for good.
Here are just a few of the skills Dr. Wright teaches:
--The Rule of Thumb Formula concerning $1, $5 and $10 words: (two $5 words for every twenty $1 word; one $10 word for every forty $1 word, and twenty $5 words...and so on).
--The difference between "experimental writing" and a "word salad."("Just because it doesn't make sense, that doesn't mean it's good!"--Dr. Julian Wright).
--Learning the Art of Accessibility. Many times the MFA writes in an attempt to confound readers with obscure literary references, language, imagery, and basic hoity-toitiness. Dr. Wright can put a stop to that.
--Learning How to Please Your Reader* versus pleasing the 108-year- old professor who smells of pipe smoke and barley, and who physically assaults anyone who mispronounces "Proust."
"I can help you become the writer you were before your MFA(s): you know, the writer who got papers back from his teachers telling him he should 'consider writing professionally.'" --Dr. Julian Wright
Start your deprogramming today!
*your reader falls within the spectrum of "anyone who can read" up to, but not including, those with MFAs in Writing, English, or Literature.