Vita Brevis--"Writing Wrongs"
New poem, published in literary magazine, Vita Brevis. Read the publication (and my poem , "Writing Wrongs,") HERE....

This News Year
Read full poem HERE (and you can listen to me reading it using the cloud link at the bottom of the page. Or just listen to it HERE....

the Place where it happens, and w,o
#MeToo #humanity #sexualassault #rape #poetry #UtahPoets #JACarterWinward

autumn nuptials
Read poem HERE. #JACarterWinwardpoetry #poetry #Utahpoets #marriage #fall

Body of Water
Read Poem HERE. #BodyImage #cultureofthin #selflove #poetry #women #socialstandards #beautystandards #weight #JACarterWinward...

In the Promised Land, Far, Far Away
In the Promised Land, Far, Far, Away... Read full poem HERE #Utahpoets #JACarterWinward #Mormonism #MormonChurch #clergyabuse...

a Big Thing
"My Oeuvre©" photo by J.A. Carter-Winward See Full poem HERE. #Writing #craftofwriting #novels #writingnovels #JACarterWinward #poetry...

Road Trip: an Ode to Utah
#jacarterwinward #JACarterWinward #Utah #PioneerDay #24thofJulyUtah #MormonPioneers #OdetoUtah #Performancepoetry #UtahPoets #poetry...

How Bad Can Good Be?
Capture courtesy of Highway 89 Media, from the YouTube film, "How Bad Can Good Be?" For poem text, click HERE. #jacarterwinwardakathisia...

Read poem here #poetry #jacarterwinward #religion