and god said...
Find the poem HERE. #poetry #poets #writing #writers #art #JACarterWinward

a friend died in london
Photo courtesy of Facebook, because Kurt and Melissa are my friends. Click here to read: a friend died in london #london #kurtcochran...

There is Not Supposed To Be Red: Rethinking the Pink
It is hardly in the news. But what do we expect? A news story appearing 246,660 times a year about one, single topic? But starting...

Front of the Bus: A Response
(Image courtesy of This is a response to all of the negative comments I've received concerning my poem Front of the Bus....

Sex Workers: A Close Encounter
My dad used to always say, "nothing is free." Actually, your dad probably said that, too. I think it's in a "How to Convey Banal...

Teaching the Unteachable
So a few weeks back, my son came to me with a daunting task. He had been on the Student Council at his school, and he wanted me to write...

Just A Day
Ironic that the day after I post a blog about TMI, I'm about to get personal. Don't worry, I'm not going to detail my mammogram. Today is...