Are you a NOVELIST?
WRITER (Fiction and Non)?
Are you suffering in a way no normal person can understand?
Dr. Wright can HELP!

Dr. Julian Wright, Ph.D
Dr. Julian Wright's Wright Therapy® will get you back on track and help you meet your deadlines and goals!
Dr. Wright specializes in:
Finding a Voice
Excessive Coffee Consumption
Chain Smoking Cessation
Nail Biting/Pencil Chewing
Social Media Addiction
Workspace Organization Techniques
Responsible Internet Use (is it research or it it Farmville?)
Premise Development
Overcoming Stereotypes (Poets need not starve! Writers need not be tortured!)
Bipolar Disorder and Writing (Is it Genius or is it Crap?)
Chronic Daydreaming
Story Development
Erotica Evaluation (short form only)
Chronic Arrogance
RLVCS® (Real Life Verbal Communication Strategies)
Research Strategies
Synopses Guidance (long and short form)
Public Persona Management
Pen Name Development
Finding the Muse Within
**Recreational Drugs and Creativity ("Sgt. Pepper's Syndrome®)
Structure and Organization Help
Chronic Misanthropy
OCD and Writing Ritual Addiction (WRA®)
Low Self-Esteem (as directly related to rejection letters)
Character Development (fictional only)
Traditional Neuroses (10% discount per session for NYC residents)
...and much, much more!

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
Call Dr. Wright today if you're ready to get on the Wright Track®!
Call today for a FREE initial consultation!

Dr. Julian Wright earned his B.A. in English Literature and a B.S. in Psychology at NYU in 1972. He went on to get his Master's in English, and after working as a novelist for a year, Dr. Wright returned to NYU to earn his Master's in Psychology, and eventually his Ph.D in 1980.
He is currently the only Board Certified Mental Health Professional in the United States who specializes in working solely with the artist/writer without using any hippy-dippy shit.
Dr. Wright has effectively been helping writers since 1981.

*Dr. Wright has no direct or indirect knowledge concerning contact information for Ms. Winfrey or Harpo Studios®
**Dr. Wright does not promote or advocate the use of illegal recreational substances.
Dr. Wright does NOT offer the following services, nor does he guarantee the following:
Finding an agent
Finding a publisher (for complete or incomplete works)
Introductions at Book Expos (between former or current clients and anyone in the publishing industry)
Endorsing or blurbing (existing works or works in progress, even anonymously)
Writing/editing query letters
Mediating Services (between authors/agents/editors/publishers)
Name Dropping at parties
Interpreting hidden meanings in non-standard rejection letters
Writing Autobiographies (no matter how interesting your life has been)
Beta Reading services
Card/Synopses/Premise/Idea pitches or "run bys" to Agents/Editors/Publishers/Writers/Film People he May or May not Know
Writing Denouements
Writing Forwards or Epilogues
Providing Thesaurus or Dictionary services
Editing services (line or content)
Opening Rejection Letters
Negotiating Contracts
Self-Publishing Guidance
Marital Therapy (in which both parties are writers)
Referrals for Employment in the Writing Industry
Screenplay Evaluations
Providing Names of Agents/Editors (who are accepting unsolicited manuscripts/submissions)
This list is not inclusive.
Most Insurances Accepted
Skype Appointments available at no additional charge
"I was unhappy with my work and wanted to be a novelist. After writing four failed romance novels under a pen name, 'Jan Gropehim,' I went to see Dr. Wright. He taught me to "write what you know." Writing about the legal profession had never occurred to me, it was so dull. But I did it. My novel sold and it's been followed up by 23 more, and I'm rich and famous! I couldn't have done it without Dr. Wright's expertise. And he has my legal counsel for life."
--J.G., bestselling author, Chapel Hill, N.C.
"I went to see Dr. Wright for chronic arrogance. Many people thought I was a misanthropic asshole who thought way too much of my own work. I have since come down a notch or two, and have started blurbing other authors. Also, Dr. Wright helped me take one of my passions, [removed to preserve privacy] and he helped me incorporate it into my work so I can do what I love AND write about what I love. Yo, Dr. Wright. You da man."
--J.F., bestselling author, NYC, NY
"Dr. Wright was instrumental in helping me get my life back. Instead of writing my own novels, he helped me learn the "art of delegation" so that I had more free time to golf and spend my royalty checks! Thanks, Dr. W!"
--J.P., bestselling author, NYC, NY
"I was a lost cause. My Information Fetish was so out of control, my novels were unreadable. Dr. Wright helped me scale my I.F. way back so that there was room in my novels for an actual plot, and sometimes a complex character or two. Dr. Wright turned my writing from *yawn* to GREAT! I highly recommend his services."
--M.C., bestselling author (deceased-- R.I.P., Mike)
"I wanted to write romance with a twist. When I came to see Dr. Wright, I was not very twisted. Dr. Wright helped me with my concept, turning it into a concept that took the world by storm! Now every [productivity challenged] housewife in the country reads my books and has added a "twist" to her own bedroom! I could write 49 more ways in which Dr. Wright helped me make millions! Dr. Wright, you are truly an artist."
--E.L.J., bestselling author, London, G.B.